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Stuart Shils lives in Philadelphia and works with wood, paint, paper, saws, tape, glue and the camera to construct an evolving constellation of two and three-dimensional images that aspire to speak to the viewer as haiku short stories or brief poems. The work emerges from an examination of memory and desire, and a curiosity about story telling that comes from being present in the world of the everyday as it merges with the theater of the imagination. His work   has been presented in solo shows in New York, Philadelphia, Tel Aviv, Boston, Scottsdale, Stuttgart, Los Angeles, Richmond, San Francisco and Cork (Ireland). Critical review and   commentary has appeared in newspapers, journals and magazines, including: The  Brooklyn  Rail, The  New York Times, The New Yorker, The New York Sun, Ha'aretz, The Jerusalem   Post,, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, The Boston Phoenix, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Irish Times, Art in America, The New Republic, The New Criterion, Art New England and The Hudson Review. Shils is a critic for advanced undergrads at PAFA and teaches in various places around the United States and sometimes abroad. He painted on the West Coast of Ireland for 13 summers and some of that was presented in the PBS   documentary Ballycastle. What really matters to him is looking out the window of the commuter train going through North Philly and walking with his dog on a leash in the morning woods.


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